Staying in touch

The club has a number of ways to share information about club events and for members to stay in touch with each other.


If you have any questions you can always directly email members of the committee, the addresses can be found on this page: Committee


eNews is our email newsletter which is sent out to all members. This is used for all official announcements of club activities and events. How often this is sent out tends to vary with the time of the year, more frequently during the ski season and less frequently during the summer.

The newsletter is sent out via our MemberMojo club account so in your Inbox the messages will appear as from "Edinburgh Ski Touring Club Active Members <>"

Private Facebook Group

For general chit chat and discussion we have a private Facebook Group. Being a private group only group members can see what is posted on it, and there is no public visibility of who are group members.

Once you have joined the club you can request to be added to the group. To join first find the group on Facebook, then click on the option to request to join the group. Once we check you against the member database you will be added to the group (may take a day or two). At the end of each year we remove any members who have not rejoined the club.

ESTC Facebook Group 

Google Group

We also have an active online forum hosted on the Google Groups platform. Again this is a private group, once you join the club you can request to be added to this group.

Instruction on how to join can be found here: Joining Google the ESTC Group