ESTC Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Statement
We seek to encourage people and members to enjoy the benefits of ski touring in Scotland. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect, and that actively addressing the issues around equality, diversity and inclusion is vital to these objectives.
The club treats all members equally, and complies with relevant legislation.
Members’ Code of Conduct
This code of conduct sets out how members are expected to behave in accordance with Mountaineering Scotland’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy. The relevant legislation which applies throughout the UK is the Equality Act 2010 (
Members are expected to:
Treat others fairly and with dignity, courtesy and respect.
Respect the views of others and the freedom to hold different opinions.
Be aware of how their behaviour may influence or impact on others.
Raise any concern regarding the behaviour of another member as it relates to the EDI Policy or this Code with the appropriate person in accordance with the EDI Policy.
Ensure that any concerns regarding the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults associated with Mountaineering Scotland are reported to the Mountaineering Scotland Child Welfare & Protection Lead, Social Services and /or Police Scotland.
Members and volunteers must not behave or condone others’ behaviours by engaging in bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), discrimination, intimidation and physical or verbal violence or abuse.
Complaints procedure
We encourage anyone with a concern as it relates to the aims of this policy to raise this with us as we recognise that many issues can be resolved informally. Any informal concerns raised with us will be treated in confidence. This should be done by bringing the issue to the attention of any committee member. The committee will then consider the issue, and either (a) seek to resolve it informally; or (b) request another club member who is unconnected with the issue to investigate and report back to the committee. The committee will then consider what action to take, up to and including termination of membership.
Version 03/06/2024