Events Calendar

Club events are displayed in Schedule view. If you wish to see them in a Calendar view click the tab on the top right. Mobile users may prefer to use Schedule view.

Click on an event for further details. 

Multi-day Events such as weekends, 3 day weekends and week long meets are listed for all the days they run but are one event.

Weekend meets usually start Friday night and finish Sunday late afternoon with accommodation for the Friday and Saturday nights. 

Chargeable events, such as week-end meets, require advance booking and payment. Members should book a chargeable event here. Non members who wish to book a chargeable event should contact our meets co-ordinator.

See also Attending a Club Meet.

Meets need coordinators! Helping to run a meet is vital for the club to function and is not difficult. Please let us know if you can support the meets programme in this way -