Approved at AGM June 2024
1. NAME. The Club shall be called the Edinburgh Ski Touring Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club.
2. OBJECTS The objects of the Club shall be to encourage members to participate in ski touring (including freeheel skiing) and all activities included on the Club website, and to encourage the responsible enjoyment of the natural environment.
3.1 There shall be one class of membership only. Except as defined in Section 3.4, to participate in any of the Club's activities any person aged 12 or over must be such a member.
3.2 Membership fees shall be as agreed by each General Meeting.
3.3 All members joining the Club and non-members participating on a trial basis shall be deemed to accept the terms of this constitution and any Rules of the Club of whatever kind that are published from time to time by the Club. Non-acceptance can at the Executive Committee's discretion lead to expulsion or non-admittance.
3.4 The Executive Committee shall have the discretion to allow participation by non-members on a trial basis in any of the Club's activities with the exception of General Meetings. The trial period for activities involving overnight accommodation, including camping, shall be one meet of no more than 3 nights.
3.5 Any person under 18 years of age must be accompanied on Club activities by a nominated adult (i.e. anyone aged 18 or over) who will take responsibility for them. If the nominated adult is not the parent or legal guardian of the under 18 year old then the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must give written consent for participation in the Club’s activities and for the nominated adult to take responsibility.
4.1 The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus up to eight other members elected by the AGM.
4.2 The Officers of the Club shall be honorary and shall consist of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected annually at the Annual General meeting.
4.3 The other Executive Committee posts will be as specified in the Rules of the Club and members for these posts will be elected at the AGM.
4.4 If the post of any officer or other Executive Committee member shall be vacant at any time after such an election the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
4.5 All Officers of the Club and other Executive Committee members shall be members of the Club.
5.1 Annual General Meetings
The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting normally as soon as possible after the end of the financial year, and in any event before the end of June, to:
5.1.1. Approve the minutes of the previous year's AGM;
5.1.2. Receive reports from the Chairperson and the Secretary;
5.1.3. Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts;
5.1.4. Receive a report from the accounts reviewer of the Annual Accounts;
5.1.5. Elect the Officers of the Club and other Executive Committee members;
5.1.6. Consider changes to the Constitution, if necessary;
5.1.7. Appoint an accounts reviewer of the Club's accounts for the coming year;
5.1.8. Agree the Membership fee structure for the following year;
5.1.9 Deal with other relevant business.
5.2 Inquorate AGMs
In the event of an AGM not being quorate there shall be a second AGM within 45 days for which the normal quorum shall be suspended. Except in a situation of dissolution such second AGM shall not consider Constitutional Amendments.
5.3 Extraordinary General Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary supported by at least 25% of members or 14 members (whichever shall be the smaller). The powers of an EGM are the same as those of an AGM, but only the motions detailed in the notified Agenda (for which notice shall be given to all voting members at least 15 days prior to the meeting) shall be considered. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to call an EGM by decision of a simple majority of the Committee. An EGM which is inquorate shall carry out no business and anyone wishing to further the proposed business of that EGM must seek a new EGM and satisfy the normal requirements for the calling of such General Meetings.
5.4 Notice of General Meetings
At least 30 days notice shall be given to all voting members of the Club of any General Meeting. Notice shall be deemed to have been given by email circulation of the membership, and insertion on the Club website.
5.5 Voting at General Meetings
5.5.1 With the exception of changes to the constitution and decisions on liabilities in excess of 100% of the Club’s current assets as detailed in section 6.6, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote at General Meetings.
5.5.2 The Chairperson of the Club shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
5.5.3 The AGM shall be deemed to be the final event in the membership year which has finished or is about to finish and members shall be entitled to vote who are paid up members at the start of the AGM or were paid up members for the membership year.
5.5.4 Only members who are paid up by the start of any EGM shall be eligible to vote.
5.6 Quora
The quorum at General Meetings shall be 25% of members or 14 members whichever shall be the smaller and the quorum for Executive Committee Meetings shall be four members.
5.7 Changes to the Constitution
5.7.1. Any Change to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
5.7.2 Notice shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting as specified in 5.4 and then any proposal to change the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 22 days prior to the meeting.
5.7.3. All proposals for changes to the Constitution shall be signed by two members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
5.7.4 Any proposed change to the Constitution shall be included in the notified Agenda for a General Meeting at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
5.8 Expression of opinions
Members who are unable to attend a General Meeting shall be encouraged to convey their views, in writing, on any proposed Constitutional Amendments or agenda items to the Secretary, who shall bring them to the notice of the meeting prior to the vote.
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st May to 30th April each year.
6.2 The membership year shall run from 1st July to 30th June.
6.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Accounts of the Club.
6.4 The Accounts shall be reviewed by an independent person elected by the last General Meeting.
6.5 Routine financial commitments shall be limited to:
6.5.1 Up to £100: any member with the approval of an Executive Committee member;
6.5.2 Up to £1000: any weekend/holiday booked by the committee member responsible for booking weekend meets or holidays;
6.5.3 Up to £5,000: Quorate Executive Committee including the Chair.
6.5.4 Ski equipment to the value of £700 in any one season may be bought by the committee member responsible for ski hire; above this level the purchase(s) must be approved by the Executive Committee.
6.6 Exceptional financial commitments
Should the Executive Committee resolve to incur liabilities which exceed the lower of £5,000 or 50% of the Club’s current assets per the latest annual accounts, that decision must be approved by a majority of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting. A liability in excess of 100% of the Club’s current assets must be approved by two thirds of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to publish and enforce such Rules of the Club as it feels necessary to govern the activities of the Club. Rules of the Club can also be agreed or overturned by any General Meeting.
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets thereof shall be controlled by the Executive Committee until their donation to an appropriate organisation with associated aims has been arranged. They shall not be distributed amongst the members of the Club in any way whatsoever.
Approved at AGM June 2024
1. NAME. The Club shall be called the Edinburgh Ski Touring Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club.
2. OBJECTS The objects of the Club shall be to encourage members to participate in ski touring (including freeheel skiing) and all activities included on the Club website, and to encourage the responsible enjoyment of the natural environment.
3.1 There shall be one class of membership only. Except as defined in Section 3.4, to participate in any of the Club's activities any person aged 12 or over must be such a member.
3.2 Membership fees shall be as agreed by each General Meeting.
3.3 All members joining the Club and non-members participating on a trial basis shall be deemed to accept the terms of this constitution and any Rules of the Club of whatever kind that are published from time to time by the Club. Non-acceptance can at the Executive Committee's discretion lead to expulsion or non-admittance.
3.4 The Executive Committee shall have the discretion to allow participation by non-members on a trial basis in any of the Club's activities with the exception of General Meetings. The trial period for activities involving overnight accommodation, including camping, shall be one meet of no more than 3 nights.
3.5 Any person under 18 years of age must be accompanied on Club activities by a nominated adult (i.e. anyone aged 18 or over) who will take responsibility for them. If the nominated adult is not the parent or legal guardian of the under 18 year old then the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must give written consent for participation in the Club’s activities and for the nominated adult to take responsibility.
4.1 The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus up to eight other members elected by the AGM.
4.2 The Officers of the Club shall be honorary and shall consist of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected annually at the Annual General meeting.
4.3 The other Executive Committee posts will be as specified in the Rules of the Club and members for these posts will be elected at the AGM.
4.4 If the post of any officer or other Executive Committee member shall be vacant at any time after such an election the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
4.5 All Officers of the Club and other Executive Committee members shall be members of the Club.
5.1 Annual General Meetings
The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting normally as soon as possible after the end of the financial year, and in any event before the end of June, to:
5.1.1. Approve the minutes of the previous year's AGM;
5.1.2. Receive reports from the Chairperson and the Secretary;
5.1.3. Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts;
5.1.4. Receive a report from the accounts reviewer of the Annual Accounts;
5.1.5. Elect the Officers of the Club and other Executive Committee members;
5.1.6. Consider changes to the Constitution, if necessary;
5.1.7. Appoint an accounts reviewer of the Club's accounts for the coming year;
5.1.8. Agree the Membership fee structure for the following year;
5.1.9 Deal with other relevant business.
5.2 Inquorate AGMs
In the event of an AGM not being quorate there shall be a second AGM within 45 days for which the normal quorum shall be suspended. Except in a situation of dissolution such second AGM shall not consider Constitutional Amendments.
5.3 Extraordinary General Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary supported by at least 25% of members or 14 members (whichever shall be the smaller). The powers of an EGM are the same as those of an AGM, but only the motions detailed in the notified Agenda (for which notice shall be given to all voting members at least 15 days prior to the meeting) shall be considered. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to call an EGM by decision of a simple majority of the Committee. An EGM which is inquorate shall carry out no business and anyone wishing to further the proposed business of that EGM must seek a new EGM and satisfy the normal requirements for the calling of such General Meetings.
5.4 Notice of General Meetings
At least 30 days notice shall be given to all voting members of the Club of any General Meeting. Notice shall be deemed to have been given by email circulation of the membership, and insertion on the Club website.
5.5 Voting at General Meetings
5.5.1 With the exception of changes to the constitution and decisions on liabilities in excess of 100% of the Club’s current assets as detailed in section 6.6, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote at General Meetings.
5.5.2 The Chairperson of the Club shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
5.5.3 The AGM shall be deemed to be the final event in the membership year which has finished or is about to finish and members shall be entitled to vote who are paid up members at the start of the AGM or were paid up members for the membership year.
5.5.4 Only members who are paid up by the start of any EGM shall be eligible to vote.
5.6 Quora
The quorum at General Meetings shall be 25% of members or 14 members whichever shall be the smaller and the quorum for Executive Committee Meetings shall be four members.
5.7 Changes to the Constitution
5.7.1. Any Change to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
5.7.2 Notice shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting as specified in 5.4 and then any proposal to change the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 22 days prior to the meeting.
5.7.3. All proposals for changes to the Constitution shall be signed by two members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
5.7.4 Any proposed change to the Constitution shall be included in the notified Agenda for a General Meeting at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
5.8 Expression of opinions
Members who are unable to attend a General Meeting shall be encouraged to convey their views, in writing, on any proposed Constitutional Amendments or agenda items to the Secretary, who shall bring them to the notice of the meeting prior to the vote.
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st May to 30th April each year.
6.2 The membership year shall run from 1st July to 30th June.
6.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Accounts of the Club.
6.4 The Accounts shall be reviewed by an independent person elected by the last General Meeting.
6.5 Routine financial commitments shall be limited to:
6.5.1 Up to £100: any member with the approval of an Executive Committee member;
6.5.2 Up to £1000: any weekend/holiday booked by the committee member responsible for booking weekend meets or holidays;
6.5.3 Up to £5,000: Quorate Executive Committee including the Chair.
6.5.4 Ski equipment to the value of £700 in any one season may be bought by the committee member responsible for ski hire; above this level the purchase(s) must be approved by the Executive Committee.
6.6 Exceptional financial commitments
Should the Executive Committee resolve to incur liabilities which exceed the lower of £5,000 or 50% of the Club’s current assets per the latest annual accounts, that decision must be approved by a majority of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting. A liability in excess of 100% of the Club’s current assets must be approved by two thirds of those present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to publish and enforce such Rules of the Club as it feels necessary to govern the activities of the Club. Rules of the Club can also be agreed or overturned by any General Meeting.
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets thereof shall be controlled by the Executive Committee until their donation to an appropriate organisation with associated aims has been arranged. They shall not be distributed amongst the members of the Club in any way whatsoever.